1. How long have you been working at Chapman / how did you get here?

I have been here almost 20 years.  My dad was the head coach here before me and brought be in to help out as his assistant originally. 

  1. What’s your favorite story from working at Chapman?

There are always big wins I can always talk about.  Both men and women have beaten the #1 ranked team in the nation.  Those games are usually the ones that stick out the most.

  1. What’s the best part about working with student-athletes at Chapman?

I love being at Chapman University because of the people here.  The student-athletes are here for the right reason.  They want to get a great education and do their best to set themselves up for a job as soon as they graduate.

  1. What is the best moment from your 20 years of coaching at Chapman?

It can always be those big wins but it’s always going to be able to work with my dad and brother everyday who are my best friends.

  1. What are you looking forward to most about the 2021 season?

Being able to just play and compete again.  Not having sports due to COVID was tough mentally on the student-athletes but also for me.  Being on this deck has been a great privilege.

  1. Anything else you want to say to alumni?

I’m looking forward to seeing everyone at our games and hopefully being able to have an alumni game again sometime in the future.  I also want to thank them for helping me become a better coach and person because of them.