1. How long have you been working at Chapman / how did you get here?

I have been at Chapman 10 years now. I got to Chapman after coaching 5 years of high school and 10 years of community college football. Coach Owens coached me when I played at Nevada and he also played high school football with my dad, so he called me to help him coach here at Chapman.

  1. What’s your favorite story from working at Chapman?

Every Championship is special, but winning that first SCIAC Championship in 2014 was really special to me.

  1. What’s the best part about working with student-athletes at Chapman?

I get the opportunity to coach smart, hard working kids every day who love to compete. There’s nothing better.

  1. What is the best moment from your 10 years of coaching at Chapman?

I can’t think of one specific moment, but just seeing where the program was when I first came in 10 years ago to where it is now is incredible. It just keeps on getting better, and I can’t wait to see where we can go from here.

  1. Anything else you want to say to alumni?

When you are in town please come by and say hi! Every program’s long-term success is dependent on the support of the alumni. Stay connected and go Panthers.