I graduated last year in 2023 and since then have moved to Seattle and started a masters program for prosthetics and orthotics (artificial limbs and braces). It’s a two year program and after graduating I’ll do a one year residency for prosthetics and a one year residency for orthotics before becoming board certified. My older sister has used orthotics since she was six years old so I grew up with orthotics as a very normal part of my life. As I got older I realized that the field of prosthetics and orthotics was a really good fit for me because I liked math and science, like working with my hands, problem solving and really wanted to be in a career field where I could help people. Prosthetics and orthotics offers me parts of all of those aspects!

Leaving chapman I felt very prepared to start my graduate program. Not only was I prepared academically with strong foundational understanding from core classes, but I was also prepared as a well rounded individual. My time at Chapman helped me be able to successfully navigate the difficulties of moving to a new city and taught me the importance of working hard academically yet balancing this with things that make me happy. I also think my time at Chapman taught me how to do a lot of things at once and persevere when things get hard.
While at Chapman I played soccer, was involved in Greek life, worked several on campus jobs, was involved in research and was Vice President of SAAC. I feel like each of my experiences prepared me in a different way and allowed me to interact with different people. It gave me a really wholistic experience at Chapman and I absolutely loved it!
I would tell current students and recent graduates that it’s okay not to feel like you know everything or necessarily know what you’re doing. You know more than you think and if you stay focused on what’s important to you, the pieces fall into place eventually!

I love Chaptown and miss it dearly! I made my best friends at Chapman and truly couldn’t have asked for a better undergraduate experience.