Dr. Bruce Dehning, Associate Professor of Accounting at Chapman University, was awarded the Notable Contribution to the Literature Award from the Information Systems section of the American Accounting Association (AAA). The award was presented on August 6th at the annual meeting of the American Accounting Association in Anaheim. The prestigious award is one of the highest honors for research that is given by the AAA. The award was given for a paper Dehning co-authored with Vernon J. Richardson and Robert W. Zmud entitled “The Value Relevance of Announcements of Transformational Information Technology Investments.” The article appeared in the December 2003 edition of MIS Quarterly.  The award is given annually to one paper that makes the greatest contribution to knowledge in the areas of accounting information systems or management advisory services. Winning papers must demonstrate sound methodology, originality and innovation. The paper must also show a high potential to influence future research.

This is the second time that Dehning and Richardson have received this prestigious award.  They also received the Notable Contributions award in 2006 for their paper “Returns on Investments in Information Technology: A Research Synthesis” that appeared in the Journal of Information Systems in Spring 2002.  Profs. Dehning and Richardson are the only two-time recipients of the award.

“This is an incredible honor for me because the award is given by my peers, who find the research to be important to our field.” Dehning said. “I only hope that I can live up to this honor and continue to make future contribution to the field of accounting information systems.”