On a beautiful Friday afternoon, MBA students at the Argyros School set sail for one of the program’s main annual traditions – MBA at Sea! 60 students gathered on a two-deck cruise in Newport Beach with plans to spend four hours sailing, taking in stunning views, enjoying delicious appetizers and listening to great music. After the captain had instructed everyone on safety regulations and warned the female guests about the critical combination of high heels and steep stairs, everyone was excited to document the one-of-a-kind scenery with one photo after another.

About one hour into the cruise, everyone’s breath was taken by a sunset at sea. This was also the cue for less appetizers and more serious dancing. The DJ gave his all and quite a few MBA will be remembered for their unique contributions. The event succeeded in its objective – celebrating the near end of the semester and strengthening the bonds between the students. All 60 made it save back to shore, and everyone had quite the blast!