A philanthropic student and social media professor are slated to present at the TEDx Mission Viejo conference on October 14.

The conference will take place at the Civic Center and focus on the theme of perception. TEDx Mission Viejo details the theme’s goal as “cracking open the nut on perception and challenging the way people think, live, love, laugh and play at life in the city of Mission Viejo.”

The Argyros School is proud to see the following individuals featured on the speaker lineup:

johnJohn Cefalu is an Argyros School student and president and founder of Health 2 Humanity (H2H). H2H is an organization dedicated to eradicating preventable disease through the production of high-quality, all natural bar soap. John has been traveling around the world setting up H2H locations since he was a freshman at Chapman University. Health 2 Humanity is a nonprofit that exists to empower those in developing countries.


Dr. Niklas Myhr
serves as a social media, digital and global marketing professor at Chapman and is more commonly known as “the social media professor.” In fact, Dr. Myhr is currently the first result when searching “social media professor” on Google. His social media and digital marketing expertise has been featured in top-tier news outlets includingThe Washington PostUSA Today, CBS, NBC, and the San Francisco Chronicle, among others.


TEDx Mission Viejo is a diverse community of influencers, thought leaders and change makers, exploding through paradigms and opening up perception. To register, visit the TEDx Mission Viejo website.