Our Ask:

In recent weeks, many of our Argyros School of Business alumni have reached out to ask what they can do to help during this unprecedented time. Our alumni make a difference every single day by sharing their expertise, keeping us in mind for job and internships opportunities, and mentoring our students. Unfortunately, many of our students are finding internship and other summer work opportunities being withdrawn or harder to obtain.

Can you or your organization offer a work or project opportunity to help Argyros School of Business undergraduates and graduates have a productive summer? 

Even if they must stay home and work remotely, we are hoping alumni will offer projects/micro-internships/gigs that students can do remotely to gain skills this summer. Whether it lasts two weeks or the entire summer, if you have short term projects, a full-time job, or an internship available, we would like to hear from you and would love to collaborate!

How can you help?

1. PROJECT (Individually owned by our alumni) – I would like a student to help me with a professional project

See below for what our team needs from you. Once you fill out the alumni survey, we will be in touch to get these details:

  • Title of the Project
  • Brief Description of Project
  • Industry
  • Organization Associated with the Project
  • Desired Skills (hard skills and soft skills)
  • Student Outcomes upon completion of project
  • Type of Candidate (undergraduate or graduate; marketing vs. finance; junior vs. senior)
  • Duration (2 weeks vs. June 10th– August 15th)
  • Location (Virtual or in person)
    • Note: Currently with COVID-19 – most projects will be virtual
  • Manager of Project (Name)
  • Title
  • Email
  • Phone Number

2.  COMPANY/ORGANIZATION – I would like to post an internship/full-time job/short-term work experience on behalf of my organization

3. Regardless of these opportunities above, the Argyros School of Business Career Services Office is always looking for innovative ways to engage alumni through mentorship, industry panels, networking events, and many more. Please let us know how you would want to be involved!

Can we help YOU?

  • Need Career Help? Let us know!

Let’s Get Started:

Please take a minute to fill out the survey below and our team will be in touch!

Alumni Engagement Survey

As always, we could not do this without our dedicated and passionate alumni! We appreciate all you do for the Argyros School of Business!

If you have questions, need clarification, or have other issues please contact: businesscareers@chapman.edu


The Argyros School of Business Career Services Team