Name: Emily Holbrook

Position/Industry: Marketing Communications Specialist, Engineering/Consulting

Company Name:  Anchor QEA

Graduate Date: Undergraduate: 2019; MBA: 2020

What excites you about this role?

I love my team members on the Marketing team that I work with every day. The position manages the external communications and the entire content creation process, so I love getting to be a part of both the strategic planning as well as the creative side to marketing and PR. The company is an environmentally focused engineering firm, so I love to see the amazing things that the company achieves with each project and how they’re making such a positive impact!

How did you strategize landing this position?

When I decided that I wanted to make the move up to Seattle in the beginning of the year, I reached out to a couple recruiting firms in the area. I became close with one recruiter up here in Seattle who focuses on Marketing and Creative roles (She is actually a Chapman alumna and I reached out to her on LinkedIn!). She later reached out to me about this role (3 months later), which I then got chosen for the interview and landed the job! I made sure to do my research and do a lot of homework before the interview process began, and was really excited and tried to show my enthusiasm throughout the whole process.

What career advice do you have for other students, or anyone, looking for an internship or job in this market?

The advice I would give is to use Recruiting Firms to your advantage because they are a free resource for candidates and they want to help you and they want you to succeed. Use LinkedIn to your advantage and reach out to Chapman alumni or even strangers in roles you aspire to be in one day. Reaching out to people and having even just informational interviews to learn more can help you out in the long run! Don’t be afraid. The worst thing that can happen is that they don’t respond. I’ve gotten a lot of job opportunities by reaching out through LinkedIn!