Name: Angelica Rivera, MBA ’20, Concentration in Marketing

Position: Content Manager

Company: Telarus

Industry: Telecommunications and Technology

What excites you about this job at Telarus? 

I am so excited to have a career in something that I feel so passionate about. I will not only be able to grow with this company, but I am excited to help implement some new things as well! I have never worked in a tech company before so I am nervous, but seriously so excited to jump into this! It is also a million times better that I am working with one of Chapman’s amazing mentors.

How did you strategize landing this job?  

I made sure to read through the job description until I knew it like the back of my hand. The great part about this position was that I felt confident I could carry out the job role needs based on the description. I thought of questions they may have wanted to ask me for the interview, but I do think being too overly prepared can make you come off as dry. Always be ready to answer the fun, silly, and random questions. Those questions tell the most about who you are!

The part that I was most nervous about was the culture interviews to see if I was a good fit for the Telarus environment. I knew deep down I would be okay (being completely yourself can be scary), but thankfully it totally worked out! Also, always prepare questions, you can learn a lot and it shows your interest.

Can you give students some career advice for anyone looking for an internship/job in this market? 

The best advice I can give to my fellow Chapman students is to seriously TRUST your career service team. When they tell you to do informational interviews, DO IT. I have met some of the most amazing people through informational interviews. You will find that the career team is ready to connect you to so many people that fit your skill sets and goals! I have met so many people who I feel have mentored me and helped me get to where I am. Amy Bailey is now my boss, but I met her through the mentor program that the career service team set up!

As for the current market, you never know when an opportunity will come knocking on your door. Do not be afraid, and have faith that as long as you keep putting in the effort, you will find your calling and your ideal job! Keep applying to jobs and keep your connections strong. Lastly, continue to prove to people why you are amazing. Trust me, they will see it!