Jack Borman, ’20, a business student at Chapman University, is graduating early with two degrees. We sat down to discuss his success, experience, and his upcoming career as an IT PMO Project Manager job at Adobe!


Name: Jack Borman

Graduation Degree: Bachelor of Arts in Economics, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Finance emphasis

Graduation Date: December 2020


When you’re not working or going to school, what do you like to do for fun?

I am big into fitness. I spend a lot of my time working out and make it a priority every day.

What advice do you have for students looking to maximize their success while at Chapman University?

My best advice is to use all of the resources available to you at Chapman. I’ve always been a self-learner who isn’t afraid to Google or watch a YouTube video to teach myself how to do something. Early on, I decided to explore the different types of support available to students.

One of the most valuable resources I found in my academic career was tutoring. I’d go several times a week to make sure that I had a solid understanding of the most difficult subject matter topics.

When it comes to relationship building, office hours are a great way to be proactive and to communicate with your professors. And for internship and job support, the Argyros School Career Center has been a valuable resource that has played into my success.

What has been your favorite part of your experience at Chapman?

Looking back at my university experience, the opportunity to go abroad was life changing. I chose to study abroad in London in 2019 during my time at Chapman.

If you’re considering doing study abroad or a semester abroad program, do it! It will change your perspective, and you’ll learn a lot about travel and life.


Jack has recently accepted a full-time job after graduation as an IT PMO Program Manager at Adobe, the multinational computer software company. Here are his thoughts on life after Chapman University.

What excites you about your upcoming job?

I’ve always been interested in project management and leadership, which is why I’m excited about this position. Overseeing a project from start to finish, and knowing that I helped bring it to fruition, is so fulfilling.

I’m excited and looking forward to starting my career at Adobe.

How did you strategize landing this role?

There were a lot of moving pieces and hard work to getting my interviews and in the end, receiving a job offer.

The first steps to success were having a polished resume and cover letter. I worked closely with the Argyros School Career Center to make sure I had a strong resume and cover letter. I also participated in mock interviews with my career counselor and practiced answering questions using the interview guide they provided.

I also leveraged my network. I connected with contacts and was not afraid to reach out to professionals I knew to give me advice, practice, and help interviewing. I listened to the feedback of the professionals in my network and spent a lot of time practicing my elevator pitch, speaking about my experience, and learning about Adobe.

I’ve learned that collaboration and teamwork is exponentially more efficient than doing things by yourself. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it and embrace a collaborative mindset.

What career advice do you have for other students, or anyone, looking for an internship or a job?

There are three things I recommend to students to guarantee yourself career success:

  1. Get internships.
  2. Network!
  3. Be an active part of your college campus.

When you’re looking for a full-time job after you graduate, you’re going up against other people with the same credentials and higher education as you. It’s competitive. The biggest thing you can do to set yourself apart is your work experience. Make sure you have internships while you are in school.

Also, take advantage of the free resources on campus at the Argyros School Career Center to help get you ready for your career. It made a big difference in the quality of my resume.

Internships, who you know, and your college experiences set you apart from others, I firmly believe that. It’s certainly made a difference for me.


Congratulations, Jack, on your early graduation and your upcoming role at Adobe! We’re rooting for you.