Lexi Jensen ’20 (MSRE ’21) is a student in the new Master of Science in Real Estate program at Chapman University. We sat down to discuss her advice, experience, and her exciting new job!

Name: Lexi Jensen

Graduation Date: Summer 2021

Graduate Degree: Master of Science in Real Estate, Chapman University

Undergraduate Degree: Strategic & Corporate Communication, Chapman University 


What advice do you have for students looking to maximize their success while at Chapman University?

Use your resources! As a student at Chapman, there are many resources available to you that you should be taking advantage of. My favorite resources have been the Argyros School Career Services & Program Advising Center and the Career and Professional Development Center. They host many events and provide amazing support. Get to know the people who are a part of these teams, as well as your professors! 


You’re currently in the inaugural M.S. in Real Estate program. What inspired you to get your master’s degree?

I have always wanted to pursue a graduate degree and once hearing about the MSRE program, I knew I wanted to be a part of it. Orange County is a hub for real estate and the program was appealing to me because of its curriculum and cohort style. I knew I’d be learning from some of the best in the business. 

Has your master’s degree changed your career path or goals?

Being a part of the MSRE program has only solidified my desire to work in the real estate industry. I’m grateful for the amazing professors and faculty because they have given me great insight into the world of real estate and all of the careers within it. 

What has been your favorite thing about the MSRE program so far?

I’ve really enjoyed the various property site visits I’ve been able to go on. It gives the program a hands-on approach that is so important and valuable.


When you’re not working or going to school, what do you like to do for fun?

I love to travel and explore new places, but when I’m in town you can always catch me at the beach, on a hike, or playing tennis! 

What career advice do you have for other students, or anyone, looking for an internship or a job?

Build your network. Carefully craft your resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn account to highlight your qualifications to the specific needs of the job or internship. Practice your interview skills and always follow up with a thank you to the interviewer. Talk to advisors, professors, and mentors; they want to help you succeed and land that job or internship! 

What’s next career-wise now that you’re close to finishing your master’s degree in real estate? I will be working at Boardwalk Investments Group as an Asset Administrator here in Orange County.