My name is Shehani Perera, and I am a junior at Chapman University, majoring in Business Administration with an emphasis in Finance and a minor in Economics. This summer, I will be interning for JPMorgan Chase & Co. as a Summer Analyst in their Global Finance & Business Management Analyst Program. I am excited about this internship because it is a great opportunity for me to apply what I have been taught in my classes, and to learn from the experienced employees that I will work with. In addition to gaining real-world experience in the field that I am interested in, I am also really looking forward to the different networking opportunities and core program events that I will get to participate in, as I will be able to work on growing both professionally and personally.

My main strategy in landing this internship was to emphasize my eagerness to learn. At first, I was hesitant because I did not have much experience in Finance aside from my classes and a few tasks in my previous internships, but the advisors in the Argyros School Career Services office helped me to identify applicable skills and experience so I could put my best foot forward. Most importantly, during my interview, I made sure to communicate that while I knew there was a lot I still had to learn about Finance, I was willing to put in the work to build on my knowledge and succeed in JPMorgan Chase’s summer internship program. One piece of advice I have for any students looking for an internship or job is to take advantage of the Career Services office. Throughout my internship search, I turned to the advisors in Career Services for help with editing my resume and cover letters, preparing for interviews, finding resources I could use to develop additional skills that would help in my job search, and more. I also recommend attending the career fairs and other events that the Career Services office hosts to become more comfortable speaking with recruiters and potential employers because that is definitely useful during interviews!