Name Allison Schlieder Covell, CPA, ’16

Position: Assurance Senior Associate – PwC

Degree/Concentration: B.S., Accounting; B.S., Business Administration, emphasis in finance

Why did you choose this industry/field?

I chose to go into public accounting after interning with PwC between my sophomore and junior year. From that internship, I learned that no day is the same! I liked the idea of working in a team setting and getting to interact with multiple different companies and team members on a regular basis.

How did you strategize to get your career to where it is today?

Through setting goals but also making sure to take everything in stride and one step at a time. Your career can go in so many different directions, so I have always found it important to set goals such as shooting to be promoted to the next level but then also making sure to make time to re-evaluate to see if I am where I want to be with my career.

Any career advice for current students entering into the industry in this job market?

Make sure to use all of the resources that Chapman University has to offer from being a regular at Career Services to soliciting advice from teachers / peers and joining industry related clubs such as the Accounting Society.

How did getting your degree from Chapman set you up for success on your career path?

The classes at Chapman University prepared me with the key foundational knowledge in order to succeed at work and pass the CPA exam. Not only did Chapman prepare me from an academic standpoint but events through the University taught me skills to use in a professional setting such as how to network.