Name: Rebecca Spear

Position: Coordinator, Digital Marketing at Max Stax Media

Industry: Entertainment

Major/Concentration: MBA ’21 entertainment and media management, OnRamp, BS Health Sciences ’15

What excites you about this job? 

I will be thrust full force into this small entertainment marketing company and get to learn so much about the industry that I am passionate about in an integrated, on-the-job manner.

How did you strategize landing this job?

I consistently checked Handshake, Linkedin, and the Argyros Slack channel for job opportunities. I then tracked my job applications on a google sheets page. I was able to live-share this document with the career center to check on my progress. During my near-weekly meetings with the career center staff, we went over my resume, cover letter, interview skills, and job leads. I also made sure to network as much as possible and do what I could to help my classmates as well.

What career advice would you give someone looking for an internship or job right now?

Find an organization system that works for you and stick to it. This is going to take some serious effort, and the more in control you are of your process, the better. Make sure to dedicate a few minutes each day or a few hours each week to networking, looking for jobs, updating your documents, working on hard skills, meeting with the career center or mentors, posting on LinkedIn, and actual applications and interviews. Always do what you can to help your classmates out as well. Mass job searching works better when you all keep an eye out for each other. While it may be tough at times, always remember that the true goal is to find a position where you fit the culture and will actually enjoy the work that you do. As a career changer from healthcare to entertainment, I was happy I stuck to my passions and found the perfect position to embark on my new career path!