Name: Alexis TerKonda

Qualification: MBA, Entertainment and Data Analytics Emphasis

Position: Awards & Publicity Intern

Company: Screen Actors Guild Awards

Alexis TerKonda is certainly a graduate student to look out for. She is a first year MBA student, with an emphasis in entertainment management and data analytics. She is also currently working as an Awards & Publicity Intern for the Screen Actor’s Guild Awards. As current president of Chapman’s Women in Business organization, we celebrate her accomplishments this International Women’s Month!

What does international women’s month/day mean for you? 

For me, International Women’s Month is about taking the time to recognize the accomplishments and successes of women throughout history as well as to learn how we can continue to be advocates for gender equality.

As president, what is your vision for Chapman Women in Business? 

I want to use Women in Business as a way for Argyros students to learn about how they can support and empower women working in business. I hope that Women in Business becomes an opportunity for students to learn how important it is to support and build each other up in both academic and professional settings. Anyone who is interested in joining Women in Business can follow our Instagram page (@chapmanargyros.wib) and use the link in our bio to sign up. We’re looking forward to offering our members workshops, speakers, and events that can help them grow personally and professionally.

You are also working at an exciting internship, can you please tell us how you strategized getting this internship?

I really prioritized networking when applying to my internship with the Screen Actors Guild Awards. I spoke with another SAG Awards intern, who I now work with, and was able to get some insight on the company and the interview process. I also made sure to highlight on my resume all of the relevant experience I’ve gained at Chapman such as being a member of the OnRamp Program or relevant class projects.

What is the most rewarding aspect of your internship? 

Being able to watch the SAG Awards in-person was by far the most rewarding part of my internship so far. This is an experience I’ll never forget because I was able to see my work and the work of my colleagues come to fruition in an amazing way. It has been my goal since middle school to work in entertainment and this internship has been proof that hard work pays off.

Do you have any advice for students, particularly women, who are trying to get into the industry? 

The most important advice I could give to anyone who is willing to break in to the entertainment industry is to be a team player. The entertainment industry can be competitive, but seeing your peers as teammates, and not competitors, is crucial. If you’re willing to support and help others, they’ll do the same for you.