Name: Kaitlyn Schoen

Company: TigerConnect

Position: Marketing Intern

Industry: Healthcare Technology Industry

Graduate Degree/Year/Concentration:

MBA ’22 / General Management

What excites you about this opportunity?

This company specifically excites me because I have always been interested in healthcare and I really love TigerConnect’s mission of modernizing communication in the healthcare industry.

How did you strategize landing this internship?

I applied on LinkedIn and after my first phone interview, I could tell that the company was a great fit for my personal career goals and the position had everything I was looking for in an internship. Then, I made sure to research the company further and prepared for the interview with the hiring manager and department heads.

What advice do you have for anyone looking for an internship or job in this market?

Don’t give up! I applied to many internships prior to receiving this offer. The internship market is competitive but be confident in yourself and eventually, the right opportunity will come along.