Name: Ben Ziv

Company: California Bank & Trust

Position: Credit Analyst

Industry: Commercial Banking

Degree/Year: BS in Business Administration, Finance emphasis, Data Analytics minor, May 2022

What excites you about this company/job?

This company is a smaller-sized relationship bank allowing for a greater work-life balance, career development, and more significant networking opportunities in the industry. This position is great for gaining exposure to a variety of companies and industries by supporting their growth through a variety of financing options. It is very rewarding to know that you contributed to the success of businesses, while getting to meet and work with business owners in your own community.

How did you strategize landing this internship/job?

I consistently searched for opportunities in the finance industry via Handshake, LinkedIn, Indeed, etc., while continuously updating my resume to make myself stand out. I used Chapman’s Career Center to help tailor my resume and attend valuable interview workshops. Throughout the interview process for this job, I interviewed with a Chapman Alumni, which was a great connection point and talking point as well.

Give students some career advice for anyone looking for an internship/job in this market (based on what you did)?

Apply to as many jobs/internships as possible! You truly never know what opportunities are out there and experiences you might encounter. Even if it isn’t the job/industry you imagined yourself being in, you may be surprised to find that you enjoy it.

Network with anyone you can, ask them questions about their job/industry, and show genuine interest in what they do! If you can leave a strong impression, you will stand out amongst your peers and be the first one they call back.