Name: Paulina Prado

Position: Sales Recruiting Manager

Company: E&J Gallo Winery

What differentiates Gallo Winery from competitors in the market?

It is the best company to work for! E&J Gallo Winery is the #1 Winery in the world, #1 Supplier and #1 Distributor with currently over 150 products within our portfolio. We are a family-owned company since 1933 and rated best places to work five years in a row on Glassdoor. We have one of the best training programs in the country and abide by our company values every day (Teamwork, Respect, Humility, Integrity, Innovation, and Commitment). With a vertically integrated structure, multiple career paths are available within numerous departments contributing to a 19 year average tenure with the company. Personally, my favorite aspect  is our inclusive culture. I am surrounded with like-minded individuals every day that challenge me personally and professionally but love to travel and explore outside of work. I feel so fortunate to have found a second family within E&J Gallo.

What excites you about your company/industry?

So much! I wake up every day excited to work with my team and meet some amazing students and faculty at different campuses. Also, the wine industry is so fun and fast-paced. Being able to work for a company that has  leading products in the market (High Noon, New Amsterdam Vodka, Barefoot, Apothic etc.) and seeing how much work goes in the back-end has been an exciting and enriching experience! It feels like we have a new product, program, or partnership every day, and I am so lucky to work for a company that invests in their people so much and are committed to delivering the best!

What advice do you have for students on how to stand out in the application process?

I love this question. I think how proactive, prepared, and engaged students are can help them stand out within the application process. For example, the more research a student can do about the company before talking to a recruiter the better. This shows you are prepared and excited about the opportunities. Additionally, I recommend students proactively attending multiple Info Sessions, Career Fairs, workshops, presentations and staying on top of their communication with recruiters via email or LinkedIn. The more touchpoints you have, the better. At the end of the day, I think it’s extremely important to be yourself and come prepared to talk about your experiences and ambitions.

What kinds of people seem to be successful at your company?

Go getters! People who are competitive, committed and innovative! We welcome all majors and we will teach you everything you need to know in order to be a successful Sales Leader within the Wine Industry. I am looking for students with skills I can’t teach. Skills such as being a hard worker, committed, coachable, and overall positive!