Tessa Janney, a Business Administration major with a minor in the Business of Entertainment, embodies the essence of a Chapman student. Tessa is set to graduate in the spring of 2026 and her journey at Chapman has been characterized by positivity, community, and exploration. “My experience at Chapman so far has been very positive,” Tessa reflects. “Chapman has provided me with inspiration and several helpful components for different aspects of my life.”

Choosing Chapman: The Perfect Fit

For Tessa, Chapman University’s Argyros College of Business and Economics was the ideal choice. “Having heard of several positive components of Chapman, specifically Argyros College, from family alumni and friends, I researched further where I found the university to check most of my boxes when searching for the best-fit college,” she explains. The personalized education offered by Chapman and the Argyros College, along with its close-knit community, resonated deeply with Tessa’s aspirations. Moreover, the opportunity to explore different pathways, like the Introduction to Music Business class, further solidified her decision.

Tessa is not merely a passive observer but an active participant in campus life. From attending Masterclasses to networking events and even enjoying Chapman UPB-sponsored outings like Anaheim Ducks hockey games, she’s fully engaged. As a Presidential Merit Scholar, Tessa leverages every opportunity, including the annual presidential luncheons, to expand her network and support her peers. Her involvement extends beyond the campus, as she embraces external networking opportunities, like the recurring event with Chapman alumni at Lionsgate Entertainment.

Nurturing a Passion: The Business of Entertainment

Her decision to minor in the Business of Entertainment stems from a lifelong passion for the industry. “Whether it be film, sports, entertainment law, music, or live events, I have a deep-rooted passion for the business behind the entertainment,” she shares. The “BOE” minor provides her with an avenue to delve deeper into the intricate workings of the entertainment business, a realm she’s always been curious about.

Through her coursework and extracurricular experiences, Tessa is honing a diverse set of skills. From leadership to data analytics, she’s equipping herself for the dynamic landscape of the entertainment industry. “The main attribute I hope to gain from the BOE minor is a better understanding of precisely where I excel and work best with others pertaining to the business of the entertainment industry,” Tessa notes.

A Glimpse into the Future

As Tessa looks ahead, her sights are set on a career within the entertainment industry. Her long-term goals include continuous learning, growth, and perhaps pursuing an MBA to further enhance her skills and expand her network. With Chapman’s connections and proximity to the entertainment industry, Tessa is well-positioned to embark on this journey.

Among the many cherished memories at Chapman, Tessa fondly recalls attending live concerts and sports games with her peers. These experiences not only fostered friendships but also provided a glimpse into the vibrant industry she aspires to be a part of. As she continues to chart her path, armed with knowledge and experience, the future holds boundless opportunities for this aspiring business leader in the entertainment industry.


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