Dylan Holt, a dedicated Panther pursuing a Master of Science in Real Estate alongside dual majors in Business Administration with an emphasis in Finance and Economics, is set to graduate from Chapman University this spring. His time at Chapman has been a blend of victories and challenges, offering a glimpse into the transformative experience the university offers. He says, “Enjoy the high and the low times because it goes by so much faster than you can even imagine”. Let’s dive in to Dylan’s Chapman experience.

A Home Run

For Dylan, the past five years revolved around his integral role on the Chapman baseball team. “Winning the 2022 Regional was a highlight of my college career,” he shares, underscoring the team’s sense of dedication and camaraderie. Reflecting on the ups and downs of his athletic journey, Dylan emphasizes the profound impact of his time on the field, where he learned lessons of resilience and teamwork.

Beyond the Ballpark

In addition to his athletic pursuits, Dylan delved into academic endeavors, excelling as a member of the Janes Financial Center Residency Program. His hunger for knowledge led him to embrace diverse perspectives. “Labor Economics, taught by Kyle Hampton, opened my eyes to the many different ways to view not only economics but also society. Fadel Lawandy is also one of the best professors I’ve ever had. I took him for four different classes, and he not only taught great material but also taught me how to think critically,” Dylan reflects, highlighting the mentorship he received from esteemed faculty members.

Carving a Path Forward

As Dylan bids farewell to Chapman, he treasures the memories made on Memorial Lawn and the cherished moments spent with friends and teammates. “Being part of the baseball team over the past five years has been super impactful,” he shares, reminiscing about the highs and lows that shaped his college experience.

Looking ahead, his aspirations lie in the realm of commercial real estate, particularly within Orange County, with a keen interest in private equity or development. As Dylan is preparing to turn the tassel and embark on the next phase of his life; his journey at Chapman University stands as a testament to the enduring impact of community and camaraderie on Chapman’s campus.

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