As Rebecca Gann reflects on her time at Chapman University, she acknowledges her experiences, both inside and outside the classroom. From studying abroad in Florence and London to founding the Women in Finance Club, her journey has been defined by growth, exploration, and a deep sense of community. She will be graduating this spring with a degree in Business Administration, emphasis in Marketing, minor in Creative and Cultural Industries, and an Applied Statistical Analysis Certificate. As her time at Chapman comes to a close, she shares her most impactful experiences, favorite memories, and invaluable advice for incoming students.

Cherished Memories and Valuable Lessons

While Rebecca cherishes countless memories from her Chapman experience, she fondly recalls the warmth and sense of belonging she felt during her first day on campus. After a year of online learning, stepping onto Chapman’s picturesque campus filled her with a profound sense of gratitude and excitement for the journey ahead.

As she navigated her first year, Rebecca’s advice to her younger self would be to embrace every opportunity, challenge herself, and step out of her comfort zone. Chapman’s supportive environment encouraged her to explore her interests, leading her to join the First Generation Mentorship Program, Chapman Alpha Phi, and ultimately founding the Women in Finance Club.

Studying Abroad: A Year of Growth

Rebecca describes her study abroad experience as the most impactful aspect of her time at Chapman. Immersing herself in the vibrant cultures of two different locations, she gained a newfound appreciation for diversity and global perspectives. “With the support of Patrick Fuery and all the incredible advisors at the Center for Global Education, I had the privilege of studying abroad for an entire year.” she says. “I spent the Fall of my junior year in Florence and the Spring in London. This experience would not have been made possible if it was not for the support the faculty at Chapman gave me along the way.” Through thoughtful course planning and scholarship applications, she seamlessly integrated her academic pursuits with her overseas adventures. Reflecting on her time abroad, Rebecca fondly recalls exploring Italian fashion and cuisine in Florence and delving into business coursework while making connections with students from around the world in London.

Support Systems, Favorite Classes, and the Argyros Advantage

Reflecting on her support system, Rebecca acknowledges the invaluable role her friends have played in her Chapman journey. “My friends have undoubtedly been my biggest support system during my time at Chapman,” Rebecca says. “I always know that after a long day, or if things don’t go as planned, I can come home to my roommates and feel loved and supported. I truly have no idea what I would do without fellow Chapman students Grace Peirce, Paige McMahon, and Zoe Babikian.” Whether navigating academic challenges or celebrating successes, she finds solace and encouragement in the unwavering support of her roommates and peers.

Among her favorite classes, Sports and Entertainment Marketing stands out as a highlight, thanks to Professor Matthew Wiech‘s engaging teaching style and real-world insights. Additionally, Professor Mario Leone left a lasting impact on Rebecca through his practical approach to business education and genuine concern for his students’ success.

For Rebecca, there was an immediate draw to Chapman and the Argyros College “because of its impressive reputation and alumni network,” she says. “When I first flipped through the course catalog during my freshman year, I knew that pursuing a degree here would not only challenge me but also connect me with a community of successful graduates I admired.”

She continues her reflection with this:

“What makes Argyros truly special goes beyond its challenging courses and extensive network. It’s also about the personalized support we receive. The school has a dedicated career center staffed by professionals who are genuinely invested in our success. I’ve attended several of their events, like resume workshops and networking nights, which have been incredibly helpful and made my experience here feel even more personal and supported.”

Embracing Change and Looking Ahead

As Rebecca prepares to graduate, she reflects on her goals and aspirations. Her goals in college were to perform well academically and make life-long friends. “I can confidently say I have accomplished both, and it would not have been possible without the overwhelming amount of support Chapman has provided me. Any course I took, no matter how challenging, I always felt like the professor wanted me to succeed and was willing to work with me to ensure that happens.”

Her time at Chapman has equipped her with the academic knowledge, professional skills, and personal connections to embark on her post-graduation journey with confidence. While her initial goals of academic excellence and forging lifelong friendships have been realized, Rebecca’s journey has also been marked by unexpected twists and newfound passions. Looking ahead, she envisions a career in influencer marketing, drawing upon her internship experiences at AMC Networks and Sway Group to carve out her path in the dynamic world of digital media.

Words of Wisdom for Future Panthers

To incoming first-year students, Rebecca offers the following advice: “I encourage you to embrace openness like never before. Each person here brings their own distinct qualities to our community, and by engaging widely—from your peers to your professors—you’ll greatly enrich your college experience.”

Whether attending orientation events, joining campus clubs, or seeking mentorship from faculty, she encourages students to make the most of their Chapman experience. As she prepares to bid farewell to Chapman, Rebecca leaves behind a legacy of resilience, curiosity, and a steadfast commitment to making a difference on a global scale.

Congratulations, Rebecca! We can’t wait to see where you go next!


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