Congratulations to Dante Clark, a sophomore at the Argyros School of Business & Economics, studying Business Administration with an emphasis in Marketing and a minor in Leadership. Dante grew up in the San Jose area and has a passion for sports. After eleven years of competitive BMX racing, Dante has switched gears and enjoys playing basketball and golf, revering golf for instilling virtues in him like patience and integrity.

Dante works in the Argyros School Career Services office and has seen firsthand, the powerful impact of showing up for your career, participating in events, and making efforts to grow through professional development. Through his time in the office, he has been an avid career advocate for others.

This semester, it was his turn.

Every spring, the Argyros School Career Services office hosts Mock Madness, a specialized mock interview event. CEOs, executives, and human resources professionals are brought on campus to conduct job interviews with Argyros school students and provide immediate feedback in a safe environment. This allows students to practice interviewing skills and receive direct feedback from career professionals on strengths and areas of opportunity.

Knowing that Dante had an interest in business development and strategy, the Argyros School Career Services office identified a good career match and strategically paired Dante with Daniel Reilly, Co-Founder and EVP of Sales for B2X Global, a well-respected, customer-centric IT distributor and IT solutions provider. Daniel is a brilliant leader in Orange County and has been an incredible career partner for Chapman students.

Dante’s hard work paid off when Daniel was so impressed by Dante’s clear communication, intelligence, and professionalism, he invited Dante to his office for a real interview.

Dante will be interning at B2X Global this summer, enjoying Southern California weather and playing golf in his free time. His intensive coursework, dedication to professional development, and his self-motivation guarantee a successful career.

Congratulations Dante!

Here is what Dante had to say about his experience:

While working in the Argyros Career Services office at Chapman, I was offered the opportunity to participate in Mock Interviews. I showed up for my 1:00 p.m. interview with an employer named Daniel Reilly. The interview ended up going really well and we had a great conversation. He had good things to say about my interview skills which was nice to hear. We exchanged contact information and connected on LinkedIn. The next thing I knew, I went in for an interview and secured a summer internship.

I am excited to learn from a great business leader and entrepreneur this summer and it all happened because of a mock interview.

This reinforced to me that you have to make the most of each opportunity in life because you never know where it can lead you.