Patty Juarez headshotName: Patty Juarez

Position: National Segment Director

Company: Wells Fargo Bank

Advice to students on how to adjust their job search in the time of COVID 19?

At Wells Fargo we have changed our strategies to respond to COVID 19 by going more virtual. For instance, this situation has had a big impact on our ability to travel and we have shifted our in house Spring events to a virtual format to ensure we are still connecting with students and working to keep students engaged over the summer. We just hosted an event today, an open house for prospective students, via teleconference. We had the students and speakers dial in to present various topics.

How has your recruitment model adjusted to this unprecedented time?

We are still hiring and in fact many of our areas at the bank are very, very busy. We have to conduct interviews differently, more on the phone or via video call but we are still hiring. We realize many industries are not in a position to hire staff and they are in fact furloughing or terminating employees. Unemployment claims are at an all-time high. However, some industries are busier than ever trying to help their clients. We are in that fortunate position.

What excites you about your company/industry?

What excites me is that during this unprecedented time, we have the ability to help our customers navigate these murky waters. We are actively participating in SBA programs to benefit our clients, providing relief on fees and payments to our mortgage customers, and helping our most vulnerable communities via philanthropic support.