
Jennifer Vong, Recruiting Program Manager at Pinterest

Advice to students on how to adjust their job search in the time of COVID 19?

Unfortunately, while most recruitment events and interviews will most likely be 100% virtual, there are still opportunities to give yourself an edge! Some ways to do so:

  • Make sure all your online profiles (e.g. LinkedIn) are up to date and showcasing relevant information like your major, side projects, student organizations you belong to, etc. This will make it easier for employers to find you when you apply for jobs.
  • Make sure to still sign-up and participate in virtual events! This will be the main way for employers to interact with potential candidates and will be the new “normal” for a while to replace in-person opportunities.
  • Leverage your network. Having a friend or former colleague refer you for a position you’re interested in will help increase your chances of getting an interview.

How has your recruitment model adjusted to this unprecedented time?

At the start of SIP (Shelter In Place), we moved all onsite interviews to be over video conferences to ensure the safety of everyone. On the candidate experience side, our Talent Brand team launched a digital pamphlet and virtual onsite page to spotlight our company values and what it’s like to work at Pinterest even if folks can’t visit the office yet.

What excites you about your company?

I was already an avid pinner and champion of our product but SIP (Shelter in Place) made me have a deeper appreciation for Pinterest! As someone who is pretty active and easily goes stir crazy, it’s been great to stay inspired by indoor activities that I’m discovering on Pinterest.

Professionally, I think this situation has really highlighted the importance of having a great company and team. Despite working from home the last ~4 months, my teammates have been incredible and everyone’s empathy is at an all-time high. We’re constantly finding fun ways to still stay connected via virtual happy hours and trivia or just spending more time slacking each other to check-in.