Name: Peter Dickinson

Degree: MBA, with a concentration in Data Analytics

Position/Industry: Insights Reporting, LA 2028 Olympics/ Sports

Graduation Date: May, 2020

What excites you about this position?

I’m excited to be a part of this data-driven opportunity to think ahead about what the world will be like 8 years from now as we utilize data and insights to more effectively plan around what athletics, politics, media technology, and entertainment will be like nearly a decade from now.

How did you strategize landing this job?

I looked into every opportunity that I was skilled and qualified for even if it was out of my comfort zone. I had other offers to work in more traditional entertainment firms that were already using analytics to better understand their audiences and more effectively plan their content, but the Olympics offered me an opportunity to be at the very start of this digital transformation.

What career advice do you have for other students, or anyone, looking for an internship or job in this market?

If possible, look for opportunities that you know will be around after Covid-19, as we don’t really know what businesses and industries will survive this transformative shift. The Olympics, while postponed, will be back, but I can’t say the same for the XFL or Quibi. Also, get qualified in using data because there are not enough qualified candidates and every industry and business is using data to figure out how to navigate these rocky times.