Company: Centennial Advisers

Name: Justin White

Position: Managing Partner

Are any of your employees alumni of Chapman? Yes! We have employees who are Chapman alumni.

Tell us about Centennial Advisors.

Centennial Advisers is a platform for entrepreneurs to build a successful career in investment real estate. We have pioneered a unique system centered on developing the skills and talents of our team to help real estate investors outperform the market. We operate on a very simple yet powerful motto: do what is in the best interest of the client, the adviser, and the firm, and success will follow.

What differentiates your organization in the market?

Our collaborative team environment and our desire to help our clients makes us unique. This industry tends to push their advisers into competitive situations within their organizations. At Centennial, we have created a collaborative environment internally and stay competitive within the industry. This makes us more knowledgeable because we can use the power of ALL of our advisers rather than one for every transaction. This feeds our desire to help our clients by giving them the best service in the market.

What excites you about your company/industry?

The people. We surround ourselves with highly driven, passion-fueled peers that truly enjoy helping others. Whether it’s helping our peers or going above and beyond to help clients, every day, I’m excited to work with our team to help them achieve their desired goals.

What kinds of people seem to be successful at your organization?

It takes a few traits to be successful in the industry: coachable, persistent, hard-working, enjoy talking to people, and challenged by the pursuit of solutions. There are two more that are required at Centennial. You have to like helping people and enjoy being a part of something bigger than yourself.

What advice do you have for students on how to stand out at your organization?

Go BIG! Go BIG in your enthusiasm, your effort, your desire to help clients. Go BIG in participation. We want you to ask questions, talk to us about your best practices, and tell us what you’re reading. Sharing your experiences brings value to the whole team. Our organization is filled with ambitious entrepreneurs. We are not a 9-5, M-F organization. We are a whatever it takes, whenever it takes to be successful organization.

What kinds of people seem to be successful at Centennial Advisors?

Those that have been passionate in their past. We don’t require real estate or sales experience, but we require passion. Whether it is sports, the arts, hobbies, or previous jobs, committed individuals who have thrived when coached are successful with us. We will teach you the skills of what we do but the individuals who succeed have to be passionate enough to keep growing the business.

Where can people go to learn more about job / internship opportunities at your company?

To apply for a job, go to our careers page on You can read about the opportunities, fill out a short form, and upload your resume. Our internship programs are being developed and will be announced shortly.