My name is Mira Wadehra, and I just completed my second year at Chapman University. My major is Business Administration with an emphasis on marketing, and my minor is data analytics. This summer I will be a marketing intern at a data technology start-up, Denodo Technologies. I am excited about this opportunity because I am stepping into the “real world” and starting my career. I’m excited to learn about various marketing strategies, tools, and techniques. I look forward to learning more about how the tech industry works.

Over the spring semester, I was networking and talking to people from many different industries to understand how marketing and data analytics are incorporated in these various industries. After applying to many companies, I got an offer through my newly built network. I could not turn down this opportunity because it is a start-up, and not many people get to experience working at a start-up so early in their career.

The best advice I can give is to network, network, network. Ask whoever you are talking with to connect you to more people. Always follow up on these connections and their advice. Don’t forget to thank each and every person who tried to help you! These connections can last a lifetime, and you never know what opportunity you could land from a connection.