Hi everyone! My name is Prahita Magal and I’m a transfer junior majoring in Economics with a planned minor in Analytics. Recently I was able to land an internship with Mohr Partners Inc., the largest wholly-owned corporate real estate firm in the world. Like many young professionals, the COVID-19 pandemic made me miss out on a lot of opportunities to network and make many professional strides and connections, so I’m thrilled—especially as I’m in my first semester at Chapman—to start this internship!

What excites me about this internship is that I get to further my professional experience and apply the skills I have gained throughout my academic and professional journey. I also get to take my first step into an analytics-related field! As a junior, I think this is an important step at the start of my career because it sets the basis for me being able to work with data and apply my knowledge of data science in a professional setting. I’m also getting a chance to dip my feet into the legal side of business and other disciplines!

Prior to my transfer, I had a hard time accessing resources to find career guidance. I was trying to find another internship and had trouble navigating the job market during the pandemic. Upon getting accepted to Chapman a couple of months ago, I immediately made use of the Argyros Career and Advising Center at the Argyros School of Business and Economics. At this, my search for internships and jobs started to take off. I personally had so many questions about how to transition to my career from school and had things to sort out to build professional candidacy. I made sure to meet with a career advisor and make use of Handshake to look for internship postings, which are specifically catered to students.

I encourage every upperclassman, especially if you’re a transfer upperclassman, to explore the resources available to you at Chapman University, both on campus and online. They will take you closer to where you want to be. Making use of LinkedIn to reach out to Chapman alumni and learning from the inside what a company is like or knowing how they hired your connection is extremely useful. Additionally, I encourage all students to go to the career center in the school their major is based in and ask for help to achieve your professional goals. Without the guidance, resourcefulness, and encouragement from the Argyros Career Center and Advising team, I would not have been able to land an internship this quickly.