My name is Quincy Carlton, I am an incoming Audit and Assurance Associate at Deloitte. Deloitte is a multinational professional services network with offices in over 150 countries and territories around the world. They offer tax, assurance, audit, and consulting services to a large number of public and private clients. I will be graduating in the Spring of 2022  with a double major in Accounting and Business Administration with an emphasis in Finance.

 What excites you about this internship/company/job? 

I am very excited about taking this next step with Deloitte because they provide me with ample opportunities for professional/personal growth and development. Furthermore, I am looking forward to gaining exposure to a magnitude of different industries and sizes of business.  

How did you strategize landing this internship/job? 

I knew I wanted to do Finance and Accounting because I have always been fascinated by the numbers side of business. In my Freshman year of college, I joined the Accounting Society which provided ample networking and professional development opportunities. Immediately, I was able to do practice interviews with Big Four professionals, and simultaneously receive valuable feedback on both my interviewing and resume writing skills. As I progressed, I was able to apply to Big Four firms starting my Sophomore year and had offers for Internship positions for the summer following my junior year by the next spring semester.

Give students some career advice for anyone looking for an internship/job in this market (based on what you did)?

My greatest piece of advice would be to get involved. For me, this included holding various executive board positions within my social fraternity, but it is different for everyone. You should push yourself to endure certain experiences that will build you up as both a leader and a professional as you progress into the working world. Equally as important, find your support group. Surround yourself with people who have the same passion, drive, and goals as you. For me, this is my family, my fraternity, accounting society, and other close friends.