Name: Damien Lemagnen

Qualification: BS in Business Administration, Marketing Emphasis ’24

Position: Franchise Content & Strategy Intern

Company: Lucasfilm

What excites you about this internship?

Everything. To join a franchise I grew up with is an honor. Star Wars is the first film I watched with my dad and it’s the only franchise that I have continued to follow as I’ve grown up. Lucasfilm is pushing the boundaries of storytelling. It has managed to maintain relevancy for a franchise whose first film was released almost 45 years ago. There is just so much to learn.

How did you strategize landing this internship?

It was a slow grind. Prior to landing Lucasfilm, the challenge for me was getting my foot in the door in Entertainment. And with no previous film experience, I knew I had a disadvantage compared to other applicants. The first thing for me to do was build credibility. This meant doing any internship I could get.

Any experience I had gained was purely used to bulk up my resume. Once I felt I had enough of a professional working background, I began to apply to all of the major entertainment studios in the area. This process was not fun. I wrote about over 100 applications, most of which I never heard back from.

After months of applying, I heard back from one studio, Legendary Entertainment. Four interviews later, I got the job. I had the pleasure to work on the film Dune with Legendary Entertainment. Star Wars enthusiasts know that George Lucas drew inspiration from the original Dune book series to create Star Wars. This is where I got extremely lucky. With the experience I had working on another Sci-Fi production, I was able to use that knowledge as leverage to land my internship at Lucasfilm.

What career advice do you have for anyone seeking internship (based on what you did)?

Know how to sell yourself. Most companies in entertainment do not care what your creative background is. They care about your willingness to learn and grow within your field.

You do not need connections. I managed to get into the space being a Business major with ZERO film experience. Make LinkedIn your best friend. It will take applying to hundreds of internships/jobs before you get an offer. But remember, it just takes ONE interview to change your life.