After graduating from Azusa Pacific University with a business management degree, Joseph Somervell chose to invest four years mentoring youth and equipping youth leaders in Ternopil, Ukraine with Josiah Venture. He brings a passion for seeing the next generation raised up as ethical leaders by actively guiding students in their business major and minor requirements.

What are some of your favorite things to do in your spare time? What hobbies or interests do you have outside of work?

My favorite thing outside of work is spending time with my family. My wife, Heather, and I have two energy-filled daughters. We love taking day trips to get outside and exploring parks and other places nearby. Our family loves the National Parks and our goal is to visit at least two per year. I keep active by playing any sport available. Anywhere I am, I seek to serve others through simple, everyday actions.

What excites you about working with Chapman’s business students?

In my first three months at Chapman University’s George L. Argyros School of Business and Economics, I have enjoyed getting to know the students. Some character traits I appreciate in this community are: ingenuity, genuineness, and tenacity. I am excited to help you with your academic goals so you can use new knowledge to accomplish life and business goals (current and future).

Do you have any advice to students looking for guidance before the start of the school year?

My main advice would be to put in the time and effort to succeed academically. Your time in university is meant for a lot of things, but the main goal is to get your degree. So, put the work in to realize that goal. Work hard and rest well.

To make an appoint with Joseph or any of the Argyros School Career Advancement and Advising team, please log into Handshake and select Appointments.