Meet Alejandra Jimenez! Alejandra is a Master of Business Administration (MBA) student graduating in the spring of 2023 with a Marketing emphasis. Alejandra joined the program to make connections and learn as much as possible. She learned that she loves marketing and wants to work in the industry. She also made a lot of new connections and friends that will last forever.

Impactful Experiences

Alejandra’s favorite class was Investments with Professor Fadel Lawandy. According to Alejandra, it was the most challenging course she has ever taken and the fact that she was able to understand the material and pass the class was a great achievement.

Dr. Coskuner-Balli has also had an impact on Alejandra and her Chapman experience because of how passionate she is about what she teaches and her own personal research on consumer behavior. Professor Balli is very knowledgeable and wants her students to learn as much as possible. Her class changed Alejandra’s view on marketing and how important it is for companies to look at their customers’ lifestyles. She also could not leave out the fact that Balli is also a Chapman fashion icon!

Alejandra’s Community 

The most impactful experience from Alejandra’s time at Chapman would be the people she met along the way. “My peers all come from different backgrounds and offer different perspectives in class discussions. They have become some of my best friends and have made my time at Chapman unforgettable. One of my favorite memories is going to happy hour with my classmates before our evening classes. We would talk, eat some food, and get a drink to prepare for class. They have also been my biggest support system. We want to see each other thrive so we are always there for one another when unexpected life events happen and we need extra support”.

Balancing Work & School

During the summer of 2022 when she was finishing my first year of the Chapman MBA program, Alejandra interned at a market research firm called Hypothesis Group. “I was able to look at all the quantitative and qualitative research that goes on when a business wants to learn about its consumers and is potentially looking into leaching new products. I had a lot of fun and I got to work with a lot of nice and experienced people. It was a wonderful experience and only confirmed my belief that the marketing industry is where I wanted to go,” she says.

When Alejandra is not working or in class you can find her at Disneyland!

My favorite thing to do in OC is go to Disneyland with my friends. I have an annual pass and it’s a great way to have fun and de-stress. Eating treats and people-watching at the parks is my favorite way to relax“.

Congratulations to Alejandra and to the MBA Class of 2023, we look forward to cheering you on in your future pursuits!