76 posts categorized in

Economic Science Institute


IFREE/ESI Lecture Series Presents: Brian Roberson, Ph.D. – “Dynamic Special Interest Politics with Relational Contracts”

February 10, 2012 by | Economic Science Institute

Feb. 10th, Brian Roberson, Ph.D. – Dynamic Special Interest Politics with Relational Contracts – Watch lecture Abstract: This paper explores a model of special interest politics that allows for agreements among long-lived interest groups, political parties, and bureaucrats to be supported by informal relational contracts. Special interests and political parties may form agreements involving the

IFREE/ESI Lecture Series Presents Alexandra Rosati – Evolutionary economics: Mapping decision-making traits in chimpanzees, bonobos, and humans

February 3, 2012 by | Economic Science Institute

Feb. 3rd, Alexandra Rosati – Evolutionary economics: Mapping decision-making traits in chimpanzees, bonobos, and humans – Readings for the lecture: The Evolutionary Origins of Human Patience: Temporal Preferences in Chimpanzees, Bonobos, and Human Adults, A fruit in the hand or two in the bush? Divergent risk preferences in chimpanzees and bonobos, and  Chimpanzees and bonobos

Experimental Economics, Accounting and Society: A Conference in Memory of John Dickhaut

January 22, 2012 by | Economic Science Institute

January 13th through January 14th, the Economic Science Institute hosted “Experimental Economics, Accounting and Society: A Conference in Memory of John Dickhaut” at the Sandhu Conference Center of Chapman University. The conference focused on four areas that interested John during his career: Accounting and Society, Methodology in Experimental Economics, Neuroeconomics, and Trust and Reciprocity. Nobel

2012 Visiting Graduate Student Workshop in Experimental Economics

January 14, 2012 by | Economic Science Institute

Jan. 8th-12th the Economic Science Institute, with a generous grant from the International Foundation for Research in Experimental Economics (IFREE), hosted 26 Doctoral students from universities all over the world for the Seventeenth Visiting Graduate Student Workshop in Experimental Economics. Presentations from Professors Sarah Brosnan, Terence Burnham, Stephen Gjerstad, Daniel Kovenock, Kevin McCabe, Timothy Shields,

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