3 posts tagged



Alumni Spotlight: Nathan Worden ’13, MLD ’15, MBA ’18 "Finding the intersection between disciplines that interest you gives you a unique value in the marketplace."

February 16, 2024 by | Alumni

Chapman University has long been a hub for diverse talents and interests, and Nathan Worden‘s journey through the institution exemplifies the university’s ethos of exploration and interdisciplinary learning. Nathan graduated in 2013 with a BFA in Film Production but found himself drawn back to the vibrant Chapman community, leading him to pursue not one, but

Student Spotlight: Samantha Hartman ’22, MBA ’24 The unwavering support I have received from Chapman is unparalleled!

June 26, 2023 by | Graduate & MBA

Meet Samantha Hartman ’22, MBA ’24! Samantha started her journey with Chapman by pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA), graduating from the program in 2022. She is now pursuing her MBA at the Argyros School and has plenty to share about her experiences thus far! Samantha’s Chapman Experience “When I first visited Chapman University, I

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