2 posts tagged

Kappa Kappa Gamma


Senior Spotlight: Audrey Jones ’24 "I would tell my freshman self to take advantage of everything Chapman has to offer. Go to the career fairs and business events, and get to know your professors. The people in Argyros are very well connected and love to help anyone that needs it".

May 14, 2024 by | Seniors

Audrey Jones, majoring in Business Administration with an emphasis in Marketing and a minor in Analytics, will be ready to turn the tassel this Spring. Among her various experiences, Audrey identifies her involvement in Greek Life as the most impactful. Despite the challenges posed by COVID-19, Audrey found solace and friendship within Kappa Kappa Gamma.

Senior Spotlight: Pamela Coelho ’23

May 11, 2023 by | Students

Meet Pamela Coelho, a part of the Argyros School’s Class of 2023! Pamela is graduating with her degree in Business Administration (Marketing emphasis) and a double-minor in Advertising and CCI. Pamela came in to Chapman with the goal of being as open-minded and involved as possible. She was very involved in high school, playing three

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