16 posts tagged



Navigating your Career How to move forward in the job market today

November 9, 2020 by | For Students

Whenever you’re searching for a job, you want to have in mind key competencies that your employer expects and how you can position yourself as an exceptional applicant. In the video below, you’ll learn from Chapman’s Career Educator, Janelle Farkas, and HireRight’s Global Talent Director, Masha Sweitzer, about effective ways to thrive in the current

Navigating your Attallah Career How to move forward as a K-12 Teacher and Distance Learner today

November 9, 2020 by | For Students

What do K-12 teaching jobs look like now that institutions all over the world are undergoing changes in response to the COVID-19 pandemic? Are you interested to know how teachers are navigating this moment and their valuable advice from years of experience as educators? Watch this interactive workshop with Attallah College of Educational Studies Career

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