Whenever you’re searching for a job, you want to have in mind key competencies that your employer expects and how you can position yourself as an exceptional applicant. In the video below, you’ll learn from Chapman’s Career Educator, Janelle Farkas, and HireRight’s Global Talent Director, Masha Sweitzer, about effective ways to thrive in the current career climate and the valuable skills you can develop to advance your professional goals.

Quick Tips:

  1. Update your career tool kit (e.g. resume, online personal portfolio)
  2. Customize cover letters to specific jobs you’re applying to
  3. Make sure your LinkedIn is up to date
  4. Utilize your personal networks and develop professional relationships

For more career tips, watch the event recording here on-demand.

Watch the event recording on-demand

Links referenced in presentation:

Slide 19: Online Job Boards (Can be found on Handshake)

Slide 20: Candor Hiring Freezes: LIVE Updates

Slide 18: Remote Resources on Handshake:

Slide 25: Next Steps: StandOut

Additional Links:

The Networking Reframe Video

Don’t Stop Searching: MUSE Article