9 posts tagged



A Farewell Letter to the Spring Semester Your Career Peer Advising team here to send you off into summer with some kind words!

May 16, 2022 by | For Students

Well, the time has come. The Spring semester has flown by in the blink of an eye and the 2021-2022 semester is coming to a close. Although bittersweet, that just means that summer is that much closer to arriving!  Our Peer Advisors have had a wonderful time helping you and educating you through workshops, presentations

Navigating Internships as a Transfer Student Discover what opportunities are available to transfer students at Chapman University!

February 24, 2022 by | For Students

A transfer student. This group of students is one of the most integral parts of colleges across the United States, yet, at the same time, they are often given little to no attention when it comes to being incorporated into their new college environment and culture. From my experience, being a transfer student can often

What Recruiters Look for in a Candidate See what skills recruiters often look for to stand out on your applications!

September 16, 2021 by Ivy Magruder '23 and Kelly Ma '22 | For Students

Although every industry, every company and every recruiter looks for different qualities in each candidate, there are some general qualities that should be present in each candidate’s application. To help you with this, we’ve created an application checklist to help you blow recruiters away and stand out during the application process! ✔ Proper punctuation and

Career Connections: Students and Employers Find Each other at the Career Fair Stories from the Spring Virtual Career Fair

March 15, 2021 by | For Students

Paws up moment! After months of engaging with employers and working towards creating an active and accessible virtual event environment, Chapman’s largest recruiting event of the year, the Spring Career Fair, came to life on March 3.   With over 1,000 unique employer-candidate interactions, the fair was a tremendous success in its mission to connect student and alumni job seekers with professionals, internships, and full-time opportunities.   Students prepared for the event through prep sessions

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