5 posts categorized in

Film & Culture


Online 48-Hour Student Rush for Nosferatu!

October 27, 2016 by |

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Summer Travel Courses are Here!

February 25, 2015 by |

Chapman University embraces the philosophy that learning can take place beyond the classroom. From Spain to Italy, Israel to China, students of all majors can expand their cultural awareness and study a subject in further depth through a travel course. These courses are available to the entire Chapman community! Participants can think critically, ask questions,

No photo is out-of-bounds for soccer player

October 31, 2014 by |

You’ve probably seen that photo in the art gallery of the beat up shopping cart alone in a desolate alleyway and, like a lot of people thought, “This is art?” Meet the guy who not only thinks that’s art, he creates it with photos worth thousands of words and stories. He’s Chapman

Celebrate Free Poland – Walesa: Man of Hope Film Screening Sept. 18

September 5, 2014 by |

“At the age of 87, Oscar winning Polish film-maker Andrzej Wajda directed a movie with terrific gusto and a first-rate lead performance from Robert Wieckiewicz. It’s a full-tilt biopic tribute to the trade-union leader Lech Walesa, founder of the Solidarity movement.” – Excerpt from a Film Review by Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian valium online

Everdream: Extending Collaboration Beyond the Classroom

March 17, 2014 by |

Using Disruption to Inspire the Creative Process A freeway car crash is not what you’d expect to help trigger a great car ad, especially one with a kid behind the wheel. valium online no prescription valium online without prescription buy valium no prescription buy ambien no prescription diazepam online without prescription online pharmacy buy

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