The Center for Global Education is pleased to announce that Ammy Nguyen and Karmen Pantoja are two of 844 American undergraduate students from 335 colleges and universities across the United States selected to receive the prestigious Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship for spring 2019 study abroad. 

Ammy will be studying on an intensive Spanish language program and living in a homestay in Seville, Spain, working toward her goal of incorporating the language into her animation degree and future filmmaking. Ammy foresees that “In a competitive industry where it is so crucial to stand out, I believe being trilingual will set me apart from others and propel me in my career.” After studying abroad, Ammy plans to encourage high school students to study abroad by sharing the personal and professional benefits of the experience.

Karmen will be studying political science and peace studies while continuing her prior eight years of Italian language studies in Rome, Italy. She will also participate in an internship to have a greater connection to the Italian culture. Karmen has a set a goal while abroad “…to become a more conscious global citizen and be able to bring that consciousness back to my community, school, and integrate it into my studies and daily life.” Upon return, Karmen will present to high school, International Baccalaureate, and first-generation students to promote global citizenship, higher education scholarship, and the possibilities of studying abroad.  

Both students attended the Center for Global Education and Center for Undergraduate Excellence’s Gilman Scholarship Workshop. The next Gilman Scholarship Workshops for Pell Grant recipients will be held in the Cross Cultural Center (AF 304) on February 1, 10-11 a.m. and February 4, 3-4 p.m. Register here.

Nineteen Chapman students have won the prestigious scholarship in the past five years to Japan, South Africa, Thailand, Czech Republic, New Zealand, Germany, Italy, and more.

The Gilman Program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and is supported in its implementation by the Institute of International Education (IIE). “The Gilman Program aims to make study abroad, and its career advantages, more accessible and inclusive for American students. These diverse American students gain critical skills overseas that expand their career options and ability to make an impact in their home communities,” said Heidi Manley, the Chief of USA Study Abroad at the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. She notes that the program particularly focuses on supporting first-generation college students, students in the STEM fields, ethnic and racial minority students, students with disabilities, students who are veterans, students attending community colleges and minority serving institutions, and other populations underrepresented in study abroad, as well as broadening the destinations where scholars study or intern.

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