Fall 2019 Study Abroad Fair How will you get your global experience?
August 16, 2019
The Fall 2019 Study Abroad Fair, featuring programs from around the globe, will be held on Monday, September 16, 10 – 2 p.m. in Attallah Piazza. Staff from the Center for Global Education, Chapman faculty, and representatives from various departments on campus and overseas institutions will be present to answer your questions and help you to plan your journey abroad. Students who attend can enter a raffle and win a $150 STA Travel voucher!
Chips and salsa bar, popsicles, and churros will be available throughout the fair! Sponsored by Spanish Studies Abroad, Temple University Rome, and Arcadia University College of Global Studies.
Representatives from the following education abroad programs will attend the fair:
- American Institute for Foreign Study (AIFS)
- Arcadia University College of Global Studies
- Cultural Experiences Abroad (CEA)
- EUSA & ISA Summer International Internships
- Franklin University, Switzerland
- International Studies Abroad (ISA)
- International Student Exchange Programs (ISEP)
- Interterm faculty-led Travel Courses
- Macquarie University; Sydney, Australia
- SACI – College of Art & Design
- Semester at Sea
- Spanish Studies Abroad
- Suffolk University Madrid
- Temple University
- University of Roehampton
- Washington Semester Program (American University)
Find out more about programs through these organizations on the program on the Global Gateway.
Several Chapman departments and other organizations that will also be represented at the fair to answer your questions:
- Gateway to Taiwan: Department of Languages and Taiwanese American Student Association
- Center for Undergraduate Excellence
- Office of Financial Aid
- Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET)
We hope to see you there! Email globaled[at]chapman.edu for any questions.