The Center for Global Education and Center for Undergraduate Excellence are pleased to announce that five Chapman students have won the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship for fall 2022 semester , ranging from $4,000 to $5,000 awards. Over 3,000 students from 536 universities across the United States were selected for the Gilman scholarship. Learn where three Chapman grantees are studying abroad and their goals:

Bella Malamud (she/her) will be studying Business Administration at City, University of London: “What I hope to gain from my experience abroad is to gain a better perspective on how I adjust to new situations, immerse myself in classes that give me a better understanding of my major in relation to other countries, as well as gain new experiences and step outside of my comfort zone. This opportunity will let me step back and experience places I have never seen before. I get to take a breath from the busyness of everyday life and fill up my day with a schedule that allows me to explore more than just my degree, but myself, other people, and other perspectives.”



Rachel Trotter (she/her) is an Integrated Educational Studies major with an emphasis in School Psychology and Leadership minors and is studying at University of Roehampton in London through ISA: “I am taking two upper-level psychology classes to complete one of my minors while abroad and one science class to fulfill my GE requirements! I hope to learn about different cultures and experiences outside of my typical day. I hope to grow as an individual and do some self-discovery abroad as well. The Gilman Scholarship provides a unique experience for its recipients due to its flexibility with the funds. The Gilman Scholarship will assist me in achieving my goals while abroad by providing funds for tuition, travel, and books as well as setting up networking events and making genuine connections easier to obtain!”


Student in RomeAmia Polyanna Ignacio  (she/her) is a Business Administration, International Business major and is studying abroad at Temple University Rome (Fall 2022) and Temple University Japan (Spring 2023). “I am currently studying European Business, Roman Art, Italian, and Psychology in Rome. I plan to study Communications, Japanese, Advertising, and Political Science in Japan. Being able to live in three completely different sectors of the world, I hope to gain a unique global perspective that can allow me to create more opportunities for other first-generation college students and women of color. As a first-generation college student and a Veteran dependent, the Gilman Scholarship and the Promising Futures Program lifted the financial burden of studying abroad off my family. With the aid and financial independence, I feel empowered and free to travel and explore Europe and Asia as I complete my undergraduate studies.”


The Gilman Program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and is supported in its implementation by the Institute of International Education (IIE). “The Gilman Program aims to make study abroad, and its career advantages, more accessible and inclusive for American students. These diverse American students gain critical skills overseas that expand their career options and ability to make an impact in their home communities,” said Heidi Manley, the Chief of USA Study Abroad at the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. The program particularly focuses on supporting first-generation college students, students in the STEM fields, ethnic and racial minority students, students with disabilities, students who are veterans, students attending community colleges and minority serving institutions, and other populations underrepresented in study abroad, as well as broadening the destinations where scholars study or intern.