78 posts categorized in

education abroad


Spring 2024 Gilman Scholarship Recipients

June 12, 2024 by Aaron Sun | education abroad

The Center for Global Education and Center for Undergraduate Excellence are pleased to announce that three Chapman students have won the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship from the March 2024 application cycle! Their scholarships to study abroad range from $3,500 to $5,000. Learn more about where our Chapman grantees are studying abroad and their goals, as well as

Traveling Through Argentina

May 24, 2024 by | education abroad

SPAN 399A: Buenos Aires Interterm Travel Course  Hey! My name is Emerson Ellis and I am a sophomore Applied Human Physiology Major, and Spanish Minor here at Chapman. I am from Kenmore, Washington and grew up very active and academically driven. I stumbled upon Chapman for softball, but quickly fell in love with what else the

London. A city of possibility.

March 28, 2024 by | education abroad

A semester abroad in London was one of the best decisions I had ever made within my life. Exposing myself to a way of living that I never knew existed was a double-edged sword, knowing the endless possibilities but already having to say goodbye after only 3 months. Within my experience I had the opportunity

Untangling the Universe in Italy PHIL 310/MATH 310/COM 330: The Origins of Western Civilization Travel Course

February 22, 2023 by Thomas Jordan | education abroad

I’m Thomas Jordan, a sophomore Computer Science student at Chapman University. I’m from Rochester, New York – home of the world-famous Garbage Plate. I’ve always loved math; It’s a form of problem-solving that no other puzzle can offer. I’m also a huge history buff. I love learning about civilizations of antiquity and how technology, science,

A Long Journey to South Korea

January 31, 2023 by Joan Karstrom | education abroad

Joan Karstrom ’23 is a Business Administration and Computer Science double major. She completed an internship and semester abroad in South Korea in 2022. Joan is a recipient of the Freeman-ASIA Scholarship to study abroad. Getting There: It took me over two years to go abroad. Not because I couldn’t decide where to go but

Broadening my Worldly Horizons in London

November 16, 2022 by Rachel Trotter | education abroad

Rachel Trotter ’22 is an Integrated Educational Studies major and Leadership Studies and Psychology minors. Rachel is studying abroad at University of Roehampton in London for the fall 2022 semester and shares her insight on navigating a new culture and academic system. Rachel is also a Gilman Scholarship recipient.  Upon Arrival:  Studying abroad in London

My World Campus Afloat Adventure

October 25, 2022 by Genie Bindi Lee | education abroad

Genie Bindi Lee, a Chapman Alumna, shares her story and photos from her Semester at Sea in 1968. On October 9, 1968, an 18 year old girl from, Monongahela, a small town in Southwestern, Pennsylvania embarked upon a journey that would alter the trajectory of her life when she became a student on Chapman College’s

A Marketing Internship in South Korea

September 21, 2022 by Shirley Sallas | education abroad

Shirley Sallas ’23, B.A. Public Relations & Advertising, shares her story and photos of interning in South Korea in summer 2022: I went to South Korea for a marketing and advertising internship at Seoul Cosmetic Surgery, a medical tourism company. During the three months at “SCS” I was in charge of planning and executing video

Fall 2022 Gilman Scholarship Recipients

September 14, 2022 by | education abroad

The Center for Global Education and Center for Undergraduate Excellence are pleased to announce that five Chapman students have won the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship for fall 2022 semester , ranging from $4,000 to $5,000 awards. Over 3,000 students from 536 universities across the United States were selected for the Gilman scholarship. Learn where

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