15 posts categorized in



A Long Journey to South Korea

January 31, 2023 by Joan Karstrom | education abroad

Joan Karstrom ’23 is a Business Administration and Computer Science double major. She completed an internship and semester abroad in South Korea in 2022. Joan is a recipient of the Freeman-ASIA Scholarship to study abroad. Getting There: It took me over two years to go abroad. Not because I couldn’t decide where to go but

A Marketing Internship in South Korea

September 21, 2022 by Shirley Sallas | education abroad

Shirley Sallas ’23, B.A. Public Relations & Advertising, shares her story and photos of interning in South Korea in summer 2022: I went to South Korea for a marketing and advertising internship at Seoul Cosmetic Surgery, a medical tourism company. During the three months at “SCS” I was in charge of planning and executing video

How to Travel Sustainably

November 22, 2021 by Rama Bedri | education abroad

Rama Bedri ’24 is an Environmental Science and Policy major and Peer Advisor in the Center for Global Education. Why It Matters Before jumping into the specifics of how to be a sustainable traveler, it is important to address the significance of the topic. So, why does it matter to travel sustainably? While studying abroad

A Virtual International Internship in Prague

September 28, 2021 by Macy Werner | education abroad

Macy Werner ’22, is a Communication Studies and Computer Science double major.  The study abroad experience: life-changing, travel, immersing into culture. An experience people consider once in a lifetime. Hearing this description from so many before me, I decided before going to college that I would be studying abroad. This plan I had in my

Study Abroad: Into the “Known” A Heritage-Seeker's Story

September 25, 2020 by Lisa Matsui | education abroad

Lisa Matsui ‘21, Global Communication and World Languages major/Public Relations minor, participated in a spring 2019 semester abroad program in Tokyo, Japan. As a Japanese American who has frequented Tokyo several times before to visit relatives, I was definitely concerned with whether this trip abroad would be “worth it.” Most college students are only able

Virtual Study Abroad Fair

August 19, 2020 by | education abroad

The fall 2020 Study Abroad Fair, featuring programs from around the globe, was held from Monday, September 14 – Friday, September 18 via Zoom. Discover all programs on the Global Gateway. Click on each session below to watch a recording of the presentation. You will need to log in with your Chapman username to watch

CGE Photo Contest 2019 Winners!

September 24, 2019 by | education abroad

Students who went abroad in the past academic year submitted photos and won prizes! Check out the most recent winning photos below. You can view all photos by going to the CGE Facebook page and searching in the albums – Photo Contest 2019.  The following students will have their photos on display in the Student

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