2 posts tagged



Teaching Tip for the Week of July 10, 2023

July 6, 2023 by CETL Staff | Monday Motivations

This summer, the CETL will be presenting one tip per week, to provide a more in-depth discussion of evidence-based teaching practices. If there are specific topics you would like to see CETL explore, please let us know! We also welcome guest posts from faculty who have a teaching tip they would like to share with

Tips for the Week of March 27, 2023

March 22, 2023 by CETL Staff | Monday Motivations

All Teaching Strategies Are Not Equal  In his book, The Missing Course, Goobler (2019) argues that while college is changing, the way we prepare college professors is not. Most graduate students are still trained primarily to conduct research, receiving little to no pedagogical training in their graduate programs. Think about your own pedagogical training. Although many

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