Artist, writer, and curator Soo Kim’s work That was because this year will of course go on  is the newest addition to Chapman University’s Escalette Collection of Art. Dedicated to the memory of Ross and Phyllis Escalette, her piece is an intricately designed piece of hand-cut paper that conveys themes of presence and absence, levity and gravity. It will be presented in the Craft and Folk Art Museum’s exhibition, Paperworks. Featuring a variety of artists who work with paper-cut methods, the exhibition will run from September 27, 2015 to January 3, 2016. Composed of mainly cut-out collages and free-standing sculptures, most of the new artworks were crafted for the exhibition specifically.

That was because this year will of course go on, by Soo Kim

That was because this year will of course go on, Hand-cut paper, 2015.

The Escalette Collection is very proud to loan this piece to the Craft and Folk Art Museum, and we encourage our Chapman Family to visit this exciting exhibition!

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