Have you walked by the current exhibition on the second floor of Argyros Forum and wondered who comes up with these things? Who writes those exhibit labels? What does a curator really do?

If so, this is for you!

The Escalette Collection of Art and Chapman’s Curatorial Department are offering an opportunity for Chapman students to curate two display cases on the second floor of Argyros Forum.

The display will be on view during the spring semester (February 8 – June 1, 2016), and will be added to the current exhibition, which creates dialogue between pairs of artworks from the collection. Students are invited to submit a short paragraph (100 words max.) comparing two pieces from the 22 available works listed below.  Submissions must be sent as a Word document to collections@chapman.edu by midnight on December 20, 2015.


What to send us

In your written submission, please include the following:

  • Artist Name, Title, and Date of the two artworks at the top of the document (will not be included in word count).
  • Your one paragraph argument: explain how or why these two works can be connected. Comparisons can be made based on visual qualities, social or historical context, the biographies of the artists, or in other ways that spark your interest. Please be as creative as you like. Outside research is encouraged to establish your comparison. (100 words max.)
  • Please write the word count underneath your paragraph.
  • When emailing your submission, please send two separate Word documents: one with your name and email address, and one without.

Submissions are due by December 20, 2015 at 12:00 a.m.  Email submissions to collections@chapman.edu

The Argyros Forum Exhibitions Committee will review all entries and choose one student for each display case.  Selected students will be notified by January 15, 2016.

Each student is limited to one submission.


Image lists

Contact sheet, thumbnails only:  AF Spring 2016 – all available works – contact sheet

Images with full descriptions:  AF 2016 exhibit – available works – detail


Note: Most of the works for consideration are currently in storage, and not on public view.  Please look closely at the listed size and description of each piece, as that may influence your interpretation.



Featured image: Jim Dine, Nutcracker. 1973, Lithograph on paper.