Are you looking for a fun at-home activity to do with your four-legged friend(s)? Join the Escalette Collection on a Virtual Art/Dog Walk of Chapman’s outdoor sculpture collection!

After the success of our inaugural Art/Dog Walk last semester, the Escalette Collection plans to host one Art/Dog Walk every semester. Inspiration for the Art/Dog Walk came from seeing all the happy dogs and owners who flock to Chapman’s beautiful campus to take their daily strolls. The Escalette Collection is committed to finding new, fun ways to make the artwork on campus more accessible and inviting – the Art/Dog Walk has been a great way to get more people excited about the art on campus. Although this semester’s Art/Dog Walk had to be canceled, we didn’t want that to stop us from sharing some of the remarkable sculptures on campus. Now more than ever, we could use some fun and inspiring moments… especially if they involve dogs!


Thank you to our student worker, Haley Teves, for putting the Art/Dog Walk video together!

Rerun is a 13-years-young rescue (Happy National Rescue Dog Day!) and the Escalette Collection office dog. He usually comes into the office a few times a week and enjoys helping with various important projects, including hosting the Art/Dog Walk. He loves his lunchtime walks around campus and especially likes meeting new dogs and students (unless they’re on a skateboard – sorry if he’s ever barked at you!).

A fun fact about Rerun: he LOVES collecting rocks! He brings at least one rock home every day from his walks and arranges them in the living room at home.

We invite you to explore all the works in the Escalette Collection by visiting our eMuseum.

Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences is the proud home of the Phyllis and Ross Escalette Permanent Collection of Art. The Escalette Collection exists to inspire critical thinking, foster interdisciplinary discovery, and strengthen bonds with the community. Beyond its role in curating art in public spaces, the Escalette is a learning laboratory that offers diverse opportunities for student and engagement and research, and involvement with the wider community. The collection is free and open to the public to view.