30 posts categorized in

Temporary Exhibits


Margaret Sosa Precision and Papel Picado

November 4, 2016 by | Escalette Permanent Collection of Art

The Clear-cut panel event  on the art of papercuts, and the exhibition, Geometric Aljamía, focuses on the art of papercutting from diverse cultures around the world. One of these international techniques is known as, “papel picado,” a Mexican style of papercutting that has roots in the country’s ancient history. In pre-Hispanic Mexico, the Aztec people would use tree bark

Chris Natrop It's all in the process

October 26, 2016 by | Escalette Permanent Collection of Art

Chris Natrop’s installations create a sort of mini-world: videos are projected and lighting is carefully directed on papercuts and other objects that fill the entire space. Though Natrop’s papercuts are able to participate in the entirety of the unified installation, they are equally effective as stand-alone works. Natrop, a Wisconsin native, received his BFA from

Jorge Benitez It's All in Perspective

October 13, 2016 by | Escalette Permanent Collection of Art

In our current society we often hear that the Middle East and the West are two completely different societies with conflicting cultures, but in fact, Middle Eastern and Western cultures have much more in common than we may think. These similarities are evident in the art exhibition Geometric Aljamía (displayed at Chapman University on the second

Clear-cut: The Point of Papercuts A panel discussion on the art of papercuts

October 3, 2016 by | Escalette Permanent Collection of Art

On Monday, November 7, the Art Collections Department will host a panel discussion that brings together east and west coast artists to talk about the art of papercuts. Papercutting is a centuries-old, cross-cultural art form that remains vibrant and relevant today. Practiced by artists from Kabul to Mexico to China to Los Angeles, papercutting is an

Celebrating Escalette’s Quinquennial! The Guggenheim Gallery's "Paths and Edges" Exhibit Closing Reception

September 14, 2015 by | Escalette Permanent Collection of Art

This past Sunday, friends and visitors gathered to celebrate the closing reception of the Paths and Edges exhibition at the Guggenheim Gallery, which marks the fifth anniversary of the Escalette Permanent Collection of Art. Several of the exhibit’s featured artists were in attendance, including Soo Kim, whose artwork That was because this year will of course go on is the

Miya Ando’s Industrial Watercolors

August 21, 2015 by | Escalette Permanent Collection of Art

Miya Ando, whose sculptural structure is now on view at the 56th Venice Biennale, is most well-known for the paintings she creates with metal. These “industrial watercolors” are made using a variety of complicated processes involving scorching heat, electrically charged vats, sharp tools, dangerous chemicals, loud sanding, and layers of paint or dye. Her fascination with such

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