4 posts tagged



Lita Albuquerque

March 7, 2016 by | Escalette Permanent Collection of Art

Lita Albuquerque was born in 1946 to a single mother, and her art is strongly influenced by her experience growing up without a father figure. However, she also draws influence from the very interesting life of her mother. In the 1930’s, Lita’s mother published her own plays in Paris under a man’s name, all the while

Contemporary Art vs. Modern Art Defining "Now" from "Then"

November 30, 2015 by | Escalette Permanent Collection of Art

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the word “modern” is defined as, “of or relating to the present time.”  The word “contemporary” is defined as “happening or beginning now or in recent times.” While these definitions may appear to be similar or even nearly identical, in terms of art genres, they are very incongruent. The modern art movement began in the 1860’s

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